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Patient Experience Improvements

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We're excited to continue working to make your exam experience easier and more efficient - and hopefully more enjoyable.

Streamlined Online Intake Forms - Now patients receive the required, but frustrating, intake forms in a secure and easy-to-use online form. New patients will be able to snap photos of medical cards and provide all information at your convenience before your appointment. All previous answers are pre-populated for returning patients, so you only need to update the fields and sign!

Online Scheduling - We have launched a new online scheduling app that is 100% integrated with our practice schedule and easy for requesting an appointment any time you like. You will see our live schedule, so we will be able to confirm 99% of requests quickly.

Payments - Patients can now pay any outstanding balances via the secure QR code on your emailed notice.

Insurance & Vision Plan Verification - Insurance verification remains an art and science. By collecting your medical cards prior to the exam, we will increase the plans we are able to verify prior to your exam. We are also trialing a new verification software update that helps us search through the maze of insurance websites more efficiently.

Order Contact Lenses & Dry Eye Supplies - You can order contact lenses and hard to find dry eye supplies from our "SHOP" menu bar. We have very good pricing and we are available to help if you have any challenges.

We will keep looking for ways to make your exam time more enjoyable! Please let us know your ideas.